The real Gary Barlow

The best thing about having a baby is becoming a pop star.

And a comedian. And generally, the best entertainer of all time.

In my head, I’ve always sounded absolutely fabulous. I’m the sixth (and only female) member of Take That. I just haven’t been discovered yet. In reality, though, I expect my friends and family probably would say something quite different.

Baby Frog hasn’t yet realised I have a voice that could smash a window. As far as she’s concerned, it’s the most beautiful thing she’s ever heard. I love that about having a baby.

It’s not all rosy though. For some reason (disloyal child) she seems to find her Daddy more entertaining. I could put on a whole show for her, singing and dancing, while all he has to do is smile and she’s putty in his hands. I hate to be upstaged (Competitive Mum again I’m afraid).

So I choose to believe that it isn’t because I have a rubbish voice. It isn’t because I’m a rubbish dancer. It isn’t because she doesn’t like Take That (my main repertoire of tunes). It’s simply because her Daddy has a funny face. Who can blame her really?


Filed under Baby stuff, Uncategorized

7 responses to “The real Gary Barlow

  1. DP

    Hi! I finally got my blog up and running, so you can head over to follow me! Hip Chick’s Guide to PMS, Pregnancy, and Babies

    I don’t see a Google Friend Connect here, so I will head over to your Twitter and follow you.

    Who is Gary Barlow? (I’m so sorry I don’t know!) Is it a British vs American thing? I’m from the USA!

    Hip Chick’s Guide to PMS, Pregnancy, and Babies

  2. Trina

    Mols, have you tried singing Patience to her? Or Total Eclipse of the Heart? I seem to remember we had a HUGE number of fans in Cornwall when we did either of those numbers….

  3. Pingback: The Real Gary Barlow « Mother's Always Right | Take That Delirium

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