Tooth ASBO

Well, here we are again.

After a brief respite from The Teeth, it looks like they’re back. And this time they’ve brought an army.

Not content to make our entire family miserable for at least two months, Mr and Mrs Tooth have got their friends in on the action. Four of them have already set up camp in Frog’s mouth. And now three of their mates have gate-crashed the party.

Like all good tenants, the four Teeth that are already here aren’t causing us too much bother. They clean up after themselves and haven’t caused much mess. But the same can’t be said of their friends.

No, their friends are anti-social little buggers. They cause runny nappies and dribble, moodiness and fully-fledged Teething Tantrums. It’s fair to say they’re the worst house guests you could imagine. So I’m issuing them with a Tooth ASBO.

Yes, you heard me right.

The terms are as follows:

  • For the Teeth in question to refrain from causing any more pain.
  • For the Teeth in question to appear out of the gums in a timely and calm manner.
  • For the Teeth in question to just HURRY UP.

If the terms of this Tooth ASBO are breached, the punishment will be retirement in a little box at the bottom of the bin, rather than the plush surroundings of Tooth Fairy Castle.

Be warned.

When The Teeth are behaving themselves...


Filed under Baby stuff, Teething

10 responses to “Tooth ASBO

  1. Sarah Mac

    Awww, I got to thephot and forgot everything that had gone before. Tooo cute!

  2. What a gorgeous picture – she clearly takes after her mother!

  3. Granny of the north

    Sorry to disillusion you..teeth never give up! They are the terrorists in your body …just waiting for that weekend that you want to enjoy …or that crusty bread roll that will be your downfall. So best to get equipped with lots of painkillers, sensodyne, and of course dental floss! Is this all available to babies as young as frog…??? probably…

  4. Emily

    I love a take charge kind of mama! Those teeth should be following the rules by now. Hope things have gotten better! Teething is no fun. My kids never used the frozen teethers for longer than a few minutes, and it was so hard to find something that would give them relief. I’m expecting my 3rd baby soon and I’ve been “brushing up” (haha) on all things related to baby care (I’ve forgotten a lot, I know!) I found this Mom’s Guide to be helpful, if you want to check it out. Good luck to you!

    • I need all the help I can get – just as soon as one is through another little blighter is ready to come and wreck the party. Heading over to the guide as we speak! Thank you x

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