It’s getting hot in here, so take off all your….

Don’t worry, this isn’t a post about stripping or catchy tunes from 2002.

Instead, I’m going to talk to you today about thermometers. Or rather, a thermometer. Being the terribly ill-prepared (pun not intended, but while it’s there I’m going to stick with it) parents that we are, the (self-proclaimed) Northern Love Machine and myself have never invested in a baby thermometer.

On the rare couple of occasions we’ve needed one, we’ve nipped next door and borrowed theirs. But as time goes on and the amount of earwax Frog shares with the neighbours increases, we thought it about time to make a thermometer purchase.

So which to choose?

Well there are the ones that go on the forehead, the ones that go in the ear, the good old-fashioned mouth ones. And how about those room temperature measuring thingys? But even better, what about a thermometer that does the lot?

Meet the 3-in-1 digital thermometer by Brother Max:

Just as it says on the box, the Brother Max 3-in-1 digital thermometer can be used to measure the temperature of the room or your baby, either in their ear or on their forehead (the baby’s, not the room’s. Obviously).

Clearly it comes with a manual, but as an inherently lazy and corner-cutting type person, I’m not a big fan of manuals. And guess what? I actually managed to work out how to use it myself. It really is that easy.

But the best thing about it – the thing that really got me excited…IT COMES WITH BATTERIES!

Now, everyone knows you have to take out shares with Duracel when you have a baby. With mobiles and activity stations and all-singing toys etc etc batteries are a vital part of family life. And because of a pact between the secret battery police and the people who make most baby stuff, you have to buy your own batteries for everything baby-related. Everything, that is, except the 3-in-1 digital thermometer by Brother Max.

In true review style, I was going to take some beautiful photographs of Frog trying out the thermometer. Unfortunately, she hasn’t been in the posing mood recently – although you’d never have guessed it by the way she’s clutching her hairbrush…

So seeing as Frog wasn’t up for a photo, may I present you with my alternative model…

On second thoughts, it probably wasn’t a good idea to let the biggest hypochondriac known to man loose on the thermometer. Since this picture was taken he’s been “trying it out” every half hour, just to check he’s OK. *sigh*

Anyway, if you’re thinking of investing in a very good thermometer, which can be used on babies and hypochondriacs alike, then look no further. And remember, the Brother Max 3-in-1 digital thermometer can also be used to measure the temperature of rooms – if you can prise it off your resident hypochondriac, that is.

The Brother Max 3-in-1 digital thermometer is available to buy from Boots, Tesco, Mamas & Papas, Sainsbury’s, Amazon, Kiddicare and JoJo Maman Bebe.

Disclaimer: I received no payment for this review. I did, however, receive a 3-in-1 digital thermometer to review, for which the NLM is very grateful.


Filed under Baby stuff, Family, Reviews

13 responses to “It’s getting hot in here, so take off all your….

  1. Jane Clarke

    Well thats ok a fine review but as you are recommending it what makes it better than others on the market, the fact it comes with batteries or has been sent for free???.

    • Er, the fact it’s a 3-in-1 thermometer makes it pretty good. Obviously I haven’t reviewed others on the market, as I was just asked to review this one on it’s own merits, not as a comparison to others. But from my review of this thermometer I’d certainly recommend it. All my reviews are honest, obviously!

  2. Jane Clarke

    Sorry that was my comment not Janes but the Phillips Avent thermometer set
    at almost half the price and including a soother thermometer for babies looks much better value to me. Not for a minute would I suggest your reviews and thought are anything but of the most impeccable standards.

  3. Jane Clarke

    It is amazing that the number of parents who ring OOH’s re their child having a temerature and almost all of them do not have thermometers to check if their child actually has a temperature. Children can feel hot and their temperature is well within acceptable limits. I know talking to colleagues at the OOH’s GP service that they think the strip forhead thermometers are not very accurate.There is an aricle written under NICE quidelines on children and temperatures they may also talk about the types of thermometers (I have not had time to read it yet) that are recommended. The only thing a soother does fall on the floor get dirty and cause other problems.

  4. Jane Clarke

    The cost is important to people but if it does not do a good job then it’s wasted money isn’t it?

    • Alan and Jane – the fact you’re both emailing from the same email account makes it look like you’re arguing with yourselves! I’m going to stick with Jane’s advice on this case, as the qualified nurse. And I stick by the fact the Brother Max 3-in-1 digital thermometer is a great buy!

  5. Jane Clarke

    good for you.Alan is always using my email account, I think Im going to change it and not tell him Ha Ha.

  6. Thank you for sharing your choice of thermometer. One should consider all options available before purchasing a thermometer. Good post, very helpful.

  7. Pingback: Let there be light | Mother's Always Right

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